Tshering Tashi Lepcha, Sujata Upadhyay, S Manivannan, Karma Diki Bhutia, Laxuman Sharma and Venkata Ramana Muddarsu
The aim of the present study was to reveal proximate and nutrient contents and multielement profile of culantro <em>(Eryngium foetidum)</em> and to compare nutrients with secondary data of coriander. Twelve samples were collected from different districts of Sikkim i.e. North, South, East and West. The values of crude protein, fat, crude fibre, ash, reducing sugar, ascorbic acid, moisture and minerals (In, Ba, Pb, Ag, Al, As, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, Li, Mg Mn, Na, Ni, Mo, Rb, Sr, Ti, U, V, Zn, Hg, Si, Xe, I and Ce were obtained. The results revealed that the samples had high concentration of moisture (83.33%), crude protein (2.63), fat (0.73%), crude fibre (31.50%) and ash (3.0%). The results revealed that concentration of ascorbic acid (32.33%) is less in culantro. It was found that T1 (Singik, North Sikkim), T4 (Yangang, South Sikkim), T6 (Namthang, South Sikkim) samples contained high amount of minerals (particularly Mn, Fe). The South and East district samples showed higher amount of nutrients as compared to other two district samples. The results reveal that culantro contains appreciable amount of nutrients. Culantro contains similar content of nutrients as coriander and may be recommended in its place for consumption.
Tshering Tashi Lepcha, Sujata Upadhyay, S Manivannan, Karma Diki Bhutia, Laxuman Sharma and Venkata Ramana Muddarsu. Proximate and nutritional analysis of Culantro (<em>Eryngium foetidum</em>). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):3129-3134.