Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Enhanced tolerance to malformation in tissues of mango (<em>Mangifera indica </em>L.) expressing higher level of Peroxidase enzyme
V Rani, G Bains, MW Ansari, AK Tiwary, S Verma, Ashisan Tuti, Rajesh Kumar Mishra and SM Prasad
Mangoes originated in India and have been cultivated for more than 5000 years. They have got popularity throughout the globe for its unique taste, aroma and color. Mango is afflicted by several diseases and disorder during its life cycle. Among all the known diseases/disorders malformation is the most destructive in nature. Mango is the only known host of this disorder. For vegetative malformation, the affected leaves become significantly smaller in size and curve towards the stem giving a bunchy top appearance. In case of floral malformation, the malformed hermaphrodite flowers bear hooked stigma and stigmatic surface meant for pollen reception is lacking. Moreover such flowers bear fused lobed anthers with scanty pollens which are unable to facilitate proper pollination, fertilization and fruit set. This physio-biochemical and morpho-anatomical alteration is thought to be brought about by the interplay of low temperature, high R.H, fungal pathogen and endogenous stress ethylene. When plants are exposed to such multiple stress, the production of ROS increases and can cause significant damage to the cells. A major detoxifying antioxidant enzyme is Peroxidase which play a key role in scavenging ROS. The focus of the present study is to compare the level of expression of peroxidase in normal and diseased vegetative tissues of mango plants exposed to stress during bud inception stage. The study revealed substantial differences in the level of this antioxidant enzyme in normal and afflicted tissues. Increased expression of peroxidase in normal tissues resulted in enhanced tolerance towards malformation
Pages: 3225-3227 | 1500 Views 268 Downloads
V Rani, G Bains, MW Ansari, AK Tiwary, S Verma, Ashisan Tuti, Rajesh Kumar Mishra and SM Prasad. Enhanced tolerance to malformation in tissues of mango (<em>Mangifera indica </em>L.) expressing higher level of Peroxidase enzyme. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):3225-3227.