Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 2 (2018)
Evaluation of physic-chemicals property of water available from different sources for irrigation purposes from Berhampur, Murshidabad district, West Bengal
DK Verma, PK Dhara, AK Tailor and Meenakshee Dwivedi
Thirty two water samples were collected from Berhampur of difference sources like, Deep tube well, Shallow tube well, Pond and River water in before monsoon (April-May) and after monsoon (September-October) in year 2011. The same practice fallow for the collection of water samples in next year 2012. Surface water source pond then river water were found good quality of water for the irrigation purpose in before monsoon (C1S1-C2S1) and after monsoon (C1S1-C1S1) in 2011 and 2012. Water samples have contain less soluble salt and safe for the irrigation use for any crops. They have no required any management practice before the use. In respect of the ground water like deep tube well and shallow tube well water were found high saline water before monsoon (C2S1-C3S1) in both years. Salinity of water high due to the high temperature, low water table, evaporation of soil moisture and accumulation of salt. Irrigation quality of the water after the monsoon (C2S1) improve due to the rain fall and its result infiltrate water in ground and improve water table and quality also. The trend of the soil quality were found in the respect of EC and SAR and availability of the nutrients is Pond irrigated soil> River irrigated soil> Deep tub well irrigated soil > Shallow tube well irrigated soil. Surface water irrigated soil were found good compare to the ground water. Analysed plant samples of paddy and spinach crop in pond and river water (Surface water) irrigated field in both year 2011and 2012.
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DK Verma, PK Dhara, AK Tailor and Meenakshee Dwivedi. Evaluation of physic-chemicals property of water available from different sources for irrigation purposes from Berhampur, Murshidabad district, West Bengal. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2S):29-34.