Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 2 (2018)
Effect of different levels and sources of phosphorous on biochemical changes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under sodic soil
Pradeep Saini, RK Yadav, Nikita Nehal and Nitish Sharma
The present investigation entitled “Effect of different levels and sources of phosphorous on biochemical changes of wheat (<em>Triticum aestivum </em>L.) under sodic soil” was carried out at the Main Experimental Station (MES), Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad (U.P.) during <em>rabi </em>season of 2015-16. The experiment was laid down in randomized block design with three replications on wheat variety NW 1014 and pH of the soil is 9.4. Seven treatments were given and are comprised of T<sub>1</sub>: Control<sub>, </sub>T<sub>2</sub>: 60 kg /ha through SSP, T<sub>3</sub>: 60 Kg Phosphorus /ha. through DAP, T<sub>4</sub>: 80 Kg Phosphorus /ha. through SSP, T<sub>5</sub>:80 Kg Phosphorus /ha. Through DAP, T<sub>6</sub>:100 Kg phosphorus/ha. through SSP, T<sub>7</sub>:100 Kg Phosphorus /ha. through DAP. Observations were recorded on chlorophyll, carbohydrate and protein content in leaves at 30, 60, 90 DAS.. All the levels and sources of phosphorus positively influenced biochemical changes positively however, the effect of T<sub>4</sub>: 80 Kg Phosphorus /ha. Through DAP was found most effective and significantly increased chlorophyll, carbohydrate and protein content in leaves of wheat.
Pages: 80-82 | 1705 Views 371 Downloads
Pradeep Saini, RK Yadav, Nikita Nehal and Nitish Sharma. Effect of different levels and sources of phosphorous on biochemical changes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under sodic soil. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2S):80-82.