Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 2 (2018)
Influence of plant growth regulators on yield and yield attributes of mungbean (<em>Vigna radiata</em> L. Wilczek)
Raj Kumar, RK Yadav, Nitish Sharma and Nikita Nehal
The present investigation entitled “Influence of plant growth regulators on yield and yield attributes of mungbean (<em>Vigna radiata</em> L. Wilczek)” was conducted during <em>kharif </em>season, 2015 at the Student Instructional Farm of Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad (U.P.), India in randomized block design with ten treatments, three replications and variety Narendra mung-1. The treatments were comprised of foliar spray of two plant growth regulators (PGRs) of different concentrations <em>viz</em>., Salicylic acid (50, 100, 150 and 200 ppm) and GA<sub>3 </sub>(50, 100, 150 and 200 ppm) along with untreated control (distilled water spray) & spraying was done at 25 DAS. The observations were taken yield and yield attributes like number of clusters plant<sup>-1</sup>, number of pods cluster<sup>-1</sup>, number of pods plant<sup>-1</sup> and<strong> </strong>pod length (cm). All the PGRs <em>viz</em>., salicylic acid and GA<sub>3 </sub>induced positive influence on yield and yield attributes in plants but the foliar spray of salicylic acid @ 150 ppm at 25 DAS was found more profound among all treatments.
Pages: 98-100 | 1879 Views 558 Downloads
Raj Kumar, RK Yadav, Nitish Sharma and Nikita Nehal. Influence of plant growth regulators on yield and yield attributes of mungbean (<em>Vigna radiata</em> L. Wilczek). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2S):98-100.