Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 2 (2018)
Marker-Assisted Introgression of <em>Saltol QTL</em> to enhances seedling stage salt tolerance in cytoplasmic male sterile background of rice
Vikram Kumar Yadav, Narendra Pratap, Devaraja Achar, Hari Shankar and Amit Kumar
Rice is a most salt sensitive cereal crop with a threshold of 3 dSm<sup>1</sup> for most cultivated varieties and it is one of the major obstacles to increase rice production worldwide. Hybrid rice offers a wide opportunity to improve rice productivity in India. Hybrid rice has the potential to increase yields by 15% to 20% over those of conventionally bred varieties (Virmani, 1994). Most popular CMS sources of rice hybrids also sensitive to salinity. Here, we studied single sequence repeat polymorphism in between a highly salt tolerant line FL478 and widely adopted salt sensitive CMS source IR58025B for <em>Saltol QTL</em> located at chromosome No.1. <em>Saltol QTL </em>linked 50 markers served for targeted QTL with both lines and ten foreground markers found polymorphic between rice cytoplasmic male sterile maintainer 58025B and Saltol QTL donor FL478 at targeted <em>Saltol QTL</em> region on chromosome. These identified polymorphic markers are served on F<sub>2</sub> population of IR58025BXFL478 to recover the targeted <em>Saltol QTL</em> on chr.-.1 for identification of maintainability, Rf marker RM6100 used to avoid the restorer plants and selected plants utilized to develop homogenous maintainer population.
Pages: 156-162 | 1762 Views 393 Downloads
Vikram Kumar Yadav, Narendra Pratap, Devaraja Achar, Hari Shankar and Amit Kumar. Marker-Assisted Introgression of <em>Saltol QTL</em> to enhances seedling stage salt tolerance in cytoplasmic male sterile background of rice. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2S):156-162.