Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 2 (2018)
Prominent weed flora of Chambal ravine
BS Kasana, M Gupta, Sourav Gupta, Sushil Yadav and RN Sharma
The recognition of plants as weeds is perhaps as old as agriculture itself. When land is cultivated to raise crops, weeds spring-up naturally along with the crop plants. Weeds represent one of the greatest limiting factors to efficient crop production. The invasive weeds disturb the structure and composition of the native vegetation and as a result create pressure on the food chain and web of the ecosystem. The biology of weeds including identification and distribution, also need to effective control. The ecological information has always been prerequisite for such efforts. Weed flora of Chambal ravines have been taken to collect information on distribution of weeds in ravines from different areas of Morena district for the first time. On the basis of present study the major weeds found in ravine lands were identified. Current study is based on survey of weeds in ravines of Morena district of Madhya Pradesh, which provides a preliminary data. It provides information about the prominent weeds of Chambal Ravines. It will also be useful in suggesting suitable weed management recommendation and land utilization patterns for this region.
Pages: 169-175 | 1845 Views 589 Downloads
BS Kasana, M Gupta, Sourav Gupta, Sushil Yadav and RN Sharma. Prominent weed flora of Chambal ravine. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2S):169-175.