Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 2 (2018)
Effect of seed priming on germination and phenology of rice under anaerobic condition
Mayanker Singh, Ak Singh, Nitish Sharma, Nikita Nehal and Krishna Kumar Mishra
Present investigation was carried out to study the “Effect of seed priming on germination and phenology of rice under anaerobic condition” during wet season, 2016-17. Experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replication and two varieties Sambha Mahsuri and Sambha Mahsuri <em>Sub1</em> in<em> </em>cemented pond (size; 20×20×1.25 meter). Primed seeds were direct seeded and field was completely submerged/ flooded, upto 25-30 cm water depth was maintained for one month. Recommended dose of N, P and K @ 120:40:40 Kg ha<sup>-1</sup> was reframed with time schedule. Treatments comprised of (T<sub>1</sub>) Seed priming with GA<sub>3</sub> @ 25 ppm, (T<sub>2</sub>) Seed priming with GA<sub>3</sub> @ 50 ppm, (T<sub>3</sub>) Seed priming with JLE @ 2%, (T<sub>4</sub>) Seed priming with KNO<sub>3</sub>@ 0.5%, (T<sub>5</sub>) Seed priming with KCl @ 0.2%, (T<sub>6</sub>) Seed priming with NaCl @ 0. 5 %, (T<sub>7</sub>) Seed priming with IAA @ 0.2 %, (T<sub>8</sub>) Seed priming with CaCl<sub>2</sub> @ 0.1 %, (T<sub>9</sub>) Control with distilled water.Results indicated that all the priming treatments increased the germination percent, speed of germination, days to 50% flowering and days to physiological maturity however, effect of GA<sub>3 </sub>@ 50 ppm was found more pronounced on various parameters in both the variety but Sambha Mahsuri <em>Sub1</em> showed more response of seed priming as compared to that of Sambha Mahsuri.Seed priming with various chemicals and its concentration may be used as a tool to mitigate the adverse effect caused by anaerobic condition in rice or direct seeded rice early flooding in recurrent phenomena.
Pages: 191-194 | 1617 Views 299 Downloads
Mayanker Singh, Ak Singh, Nitish Sharma, Nikita Nehal and Krishna Kumar Mishra. Effect of seed priming on germination and phenology of rice under anaerobic condition. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2S):191-194.