Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 2 (2018)
Rural household income patterns in uttar pradesh: primary data
Manoj Kumar Sharma, KS Rao, BVS Sisodia, Sandhya Verma and Amar Singh
In the post-liberalization period, the Indian economy has undergone significant structural changes adversely affecting agriculture sector. While the production of agriculture is declining year after year, the Union Budget 2018 had key implications for agriculture sector which employs more than 50 percent of the total workforce in India and contributes around 17-18 percent to the country's GDP from 35% in 1990. Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh have initiated a green revolution in the first phase during the 1960s. Punjab and Haryana have reached its peak level of production of food grains. In Western Uttar Pradesh some of the districts have performed well as compared with other parts of the state. Though in Uttar Pradesh 92.4% of farmers belong to small and marginal land holdings, their productivity levels have not increased much. Due to that their income levels are also very low. Hence, the need of the hour is to examine the agriculture income pattern and their reasons in other parts of the state when compared with Western Uttar Pradesh. The present study was an attempt to understand the income pattern of villagers in Uttar Pradesh. The villages were been purposively selected to represent the character of the state i.e., Gohanakala village in Lucknow district of the Central region, Senapur village in Jaunpur district of Eastern region, Pandari village in Chitrakoot district in Bundelkhand region, Seemli village in Muzzafarnagar district of the Western region. The study analyzed the contribution of agriculture income in total income and, whether, the income is correlated with the size of the farm. The finding reveals that the income from agriculture has not been a major contributor to total income, whereas maximum contribution in total income has been through services and wage. However, the income from agriculture and allied activities (livestock) has been found maximum among other sources of income. It has also been observed from the study that the income has significantly correlated with the size of the farm. The 10% households appropriate 38.41% of the total income of all households and an about 91.70% household has found richest of highest category of land holdings.
Pages: 254-261 | 2171 Views 816 Downloads
Manoj Kumar Sharma, KS Rao, BVS Sisodia, Sandhya Verma and Amar Singh. Rural household income patterns in uttar pradesh: primary data. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2S):254-261.