Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 2 (2018)
Brand promotion strategy adopted by bayer for arize prima seed in Azamgarh Dist. of Up
Ayush Kumar Pathak, Nitin Barker and Mani Chanda
Indian seed Industry being one of the allied sectors of agricultural spheres has immense scopes of growth in future. In the kharif season there are many types of paddy hybrid seed in market, with different types of grains and its specification. In Paddy hybrid there are three types’ grains like short cylinder, medium cylinder and long cylinder seeds with different duration like early variety, mid variety and late the study area Irrigation system are good so that farmers prefer mid variety for more production. An increasing number of farmers are using these paddy hybrid seed, and the numbers of manufacturing units is highest in India. But still market for them is under-developed, and its use has still not spread uniformly because lack of awareness and proper promotion. This paper explores the farmer’s perspective about Arize Prima a Paddy hybrid seed of Bayer Crop Science, its usage status and existing promotional strategy in the area. This study will also recommend a proper promotional strategy for adoption of Arize Prima in area studied. The research was carried out one districts in eastern UP named Azamgarh. Descriptive research was done to explore farmer’s perspective with the help of structured questionnaire.
Pages: 262-267 | 1679 Views 392 Downloads
Ayush Kumar Pathak, Nitin Barker and Mani Chanda. Brand promotion strategy adopted by bayer for arize prima seed in Azamgarh Dist. of Up. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2S):262-267.