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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 7, Special Issue 3 (2018)

Influence of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and plant growth regulators on growth and yield of black cumin (<em>Nigella sativa</em> L.) VAR. NS-44


Pavankumar DS, Maruthi Prasad BN, Umesha K, Shivanna M, Shankarappa TH and Halesh GK

Black cumin (<em>Nigella sativa</em> L.) belongs to the family Ranunculaceae is an annual, herbaceous spice crop. It is also used as a food additive and as a flavourant in many countries. The major chemical constituent found in black cumin seed is thymoquinone which has immense medicinal and preservative qualities. The other constituents found in the black cumin seed are glucosides <em>viz.,</em> melanthin and melanthingenin, essential oil (0.5 to 1.6 %), fixed oil, resins and tannins. The modern and intensive agriculture necessitates heavy dependence on fertilizers and chemicals, which cause the pollution and environmental hazards and heavy residual toxicity in produce. In many areas, health and productivity of soil have declined to the extent that they cannot sustain profitable farming any more. To avoid the above mentioned problems, emphasis is now focused on judicious usage of bio-fertilizers and plant growth regulators, to increase growth and yield, to achieve maximum profit per unit area besides a step forward for eco-friendly farming system. A field experiment was conducted during <em>Rabi</em>, 2017-2018 at College of Horticulture, UHS Campus, Bengaluru, to study the influence of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and plant growth regulators on growth and yield of black cumin (<em>Nigella sativa</em> L.) var. NS-44. Three different PGPR (<em>Azospirillum</em>, <em>Bacillus megaterium</em>, <em>Pseudomonas fluorescence</em>) and three different plant growth regulators (GA<sub>3</sub> 50ppm, NAA 25ppm, BA 25ppm) were applied singly and in combination and compared with the control. Among different treatments, maximum plant height (90.93cm) and minimum days to 50% flowering (41.33 days) was found with foliar application of GA<sub>3</sub> 50ppm whereas, foliar spray of BA 25ppm recorded the maximum number of branches (13.80) per plant. Among yield and yield attributing characters, seed treatment with <em>Azospirillum </em> + PSB + <em>Pseudomonas fluorescence </em>recorded maximum number of capsules per plant (74.60), number of seeds per capsule (101.33), fresh weight per plant (102.20g), dry weight per plant (88.22g), seed yield per plant (10.66g) and seed yield per hectare (1.193 ton ha<sup>-1</sup>).

Pages: 01-04  |  2528 Views  622 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Pavankumar DS, Maruthi Prasad BN, Umesha K, Shivanna M, Shankarappa TH and Halesh GK. Influence of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and plant growth regulators on growth and yield of black cumin (<em>Nigella sativa</em> L.) VAR. NS-44. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(3S):01-04.

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