Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 3 (2018)
Influence of type of cuttings and growth regulators on rooting in Indian Borage (<em>Coleus aromaticus</em> L.)
Yogish kumar KB, K Rajamani, K Mohan Kumar and Nagarajjappa Adivappar
The experiment was conducted at Horticulture College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore during 2016-2017 to assess the influence of the type of cuttings and growth regulators on Indian Borage (<em>Coleus aromaticus </em>L.). The experiment was laid out in a Factorial Completely Randomized Block Design (FCRD) with fifteen treatment combinations and replicated thrice. Higher rooting (94.86 %), survival percentage (94.87 %), days taken for shoot initiation (4.13 days) and days taken for root initiation (5.03) was recorded in softwood cuttings when compared to semi-hardwood and hardwood cuttings. Among the growth regulators, IBA @ 200 ppm enhanced rooting percentage(67.10 %) and survival percentage (69.01) besides improving the characters <em>viz</em>., days taken for root initiation (8.62 days), number of leaves sprouted (10.35), number of roots (30.90)and length of roots (15.49cm). Early sprouting (6.03 days) was observed in 1AA @ 200 ppm. The interaction effect of cuttings and growth regulators indicated that softwood cutting treated with IBA at 200 ppm was efficient to induce better sprouting and rooting than semi-hardwood and hardwood cuttings.
Pages: 182-185 | 2012 Views 759 Downloads
Yogish kumar KB, K Rajamani, K Mohan Kumar and Nagarajjappa Adivappar. Influence of type of cuttings and growth regulators on rooting in Indian Borage (<em>Coleus aromaticus</em> L.). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(3S):182-185.