Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 3 (2018)
Growth performance of area, production and productivity of ginger in India – An economic analysis
Santosh Kumar Potnuru, Dr. Vilas S Kulkarni, Srividyarani S Sajjan, K Shiny Israel
India is rightly called as “spice bowl of the world” for its production of variety and superior quality of spices. Indian agriculture has to face competitiveness in international trade for each commodity due to liberalization and agreement of WTO. Spices are the major exports from India and it is generally expected that trade policies would influence the spice trade. In the area of export ginger occupies fifth position in terms of quality and sixth position in export earnings among the spices. This study is mainly based on time series data. The secondary data on area, production and productivity of ginger in India, were collected for the years 1997-98 to 2016-17 from various sources. The performance of ginger was examined by estimating the growth rates and instability index of area, production and productivity of ginger. The results revealed that, compound growth rates for Area, production and productivity for period of 20 years were found to be positive and significant at both 1 per cent and 5 per cent level of probability. The instability in ginger productivity exhibited less variation than area and production over the years. However, production witnessed highest instability as compared to area and productivity, over the period of time.
Pages: 198-200 | 2532 Views 1202 Downloads
Santosh Kumar Potnuru, Dr. Vilas S Kulkarni, Srividyarani S Sajjan, K Shiny Israel. Growth performance of area, production and productivity of ginger in India – An economic analysis. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(3S):198-200.