Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 3 (2018)
Improving phytochemical constituents of pomegranate (<em>Punica granatum</em> L.) <em>cv</em>. Bhagwa by pre-harvest treatments
Mohamad Tayeebulla H, Sreenivas KN, Sadananda GK, Sudhakar Rao DV, Shivashankara KS and Guruprasad TR
Pomegranate is rich source of bioactive compounds and a potent pharmacological important crop, it has gained more importance in human health. Pre-harvest treatment with calcium chloride, Gibberellic acid, Benzyl adenine (BA), Salicylic acid, Methyl Jasmonate and Potassium Nitrate sprays was carried to enhance the phytochemical constituents and to improve the table quality of pomegranate fruit. Selected plants were sprayed at 30 day’s interval till commercial harvest and harvested fruits were analysed for biochemical constituents and physical parameters. Analysed fruits had exhibited a higher ascorbic acid (13.80 mg 100ml<sup>-1</sup>), antioxidants (168.68 mg AEE 100g<sup>-1</sup>), anthocyanins (45.69 mg 100ml<sup>-1</sup>), total phenolic (544.78 mg GAE 100g<sup>-1</sup>) and total tannins (7.80 mg 100g<sup>-1</sup>) as compared to control which signifies the importance of pre-treatments. Fruits sprayed with potassium nitrate and methyl jasmoate had induced more accumulation of phytochemicals as compared to other chemicals.
Pages: 225-228 | 1604 Views 468 Downloads
Mohamad Tayeebulla H, Sreenivas KN, Sadananda GK, Sudhakar Rao DV, Shivashankara KS and Guruprasad TR. Improving phytochemical constituents of pomegranate (<em>Punica granatum</em> L.) <em>cv</em>. Bhagwa by pre-harvest treatments. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(3S):225-228.