Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 3 (2018)
Influence of weather parameters on incidence of cardamom shoot and capsule borer (<em>Conogethes punctiferalis</em> Guenee) on cardamom
Kiran S Kasareddy, Hanumantharaya L, Suchitra Kumari MH and Devaraju KM
The results on cardamom shoot and capsule borer indicated that the peak population was recorded in the month of second fortnight of May on both M-1 and M-2 varieties of cardamom (per cent shoot damage of 24.93 and 26.06, respectively). Whereas, the peak infestation on capsules was recorded in the month of November on both M-1 and M-2 varieties of cardamom (15.0 and 15.80, respectively). The correlation studies indicated that there was a significant positive correlation with relative humidity &rain fall with per cent shoot damage in M-1 and M-2 varieties of cardamom.
Pages: 260-262 | 1349 Views 288 Downloads
Kiran S Kasareddy, Hanumantharaya L, Suchitra Kumari MH and Devaraju KM. Influence of weather parameters on incidence of cardamom shoot and capsule borer (<em>Conogethes punctiferalis</em> Guenee) on cardamom. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(3S):260-262.