Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 3 (2018)
Anti-bacterial evaluation of botanical formulation for the management of bacterial blight of pomegranate caused by <em>Xanthomonasaxonopodis </em>Pv. <em>punicae</em>
Jagadeesh Bagewadi, Kirankumar KC and RK Mesta
Inhibitory activity of solvent extraction of botanicals <em>Viz</em>., <em>Allium sativum, Garciniaindica</em>and <em>Prosopisjuliflora</em>, were evaluated against <em>Xanthomonasaxonopodis </em>pv<em>. Punicae </em>under <em>in</em>-<em>vitro</em> condition. Botanicals which are extracted from soxhletapparatus using different solvents. Among the botanicals tested <em>Prosopisjuliflora</em> with ethanol extract was found to be most effective with the highest average zone of inhibition of 31.33 mm. Followed by Methanol extract of <em>Prosopisjuliflora </em>(30.67 mm), Methanol extract of <em>Garciniaindica</em> (29.67 mm), methanol extracts of <em>Allium sativum</em> (24.67 mm). Shelf life of effective solvent botanical formulations stored at 4°C, 25°C, 30°C, 35°C and 40°C under <em>in vitro</em> conditions. Results reaveled that solvent extraction of <em>Prosopisjuli flora </em>recorded more efficiency, followed by solvent extraction of <em>Allium sativum</em> and <em>Garciniaindica</em> against <em>Xanthomonasaxonopodis </em>pvInhibitory activity of solvent extraction of botanicals<em>. punicae</em>.
Pages: 311-314 | 1232 Views 271 Downloads
Jagadeesh Bagewadi, Kirankumar KC and RK Mesta. Anti-bacterial evaluation of botanical formulation for the management of bacterial blight of pomegranate caused by <em>Xanthomonasaxonopodis </em>Pv. <em>punicae</em>. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(3S):311-314.