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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 7, Special Issue 3 (2018)

Effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on growth, yield and quality of shankapushpi (<em>Clitorea ternatea</em> L.)” under rainfed situation


Dhanraj P, AP Mallikarjuna Gowda, TH Shankarappa, S Anil Kumar, Praneeth YS, Dhanush SL and Pragath UB

A field experiment was conducted to assess the “Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on growth, yield and quality of shankapushpi (<em>Clitoreaternatea </em>L<em>.</em>)” under rainfed condition at College of Horticulture, UHS campus, GKVK Post, Bengaluru during 2016-2017. The experiments were comprised of ten treatments and were replicated thrice in RCBD. The maximum plant height (13.50,24.08, 46.25 and 60.07 cm at 30,60,90 DAS and harvest, respectively),number of branches (4.55, 6.45, 8.35 and 10.37 at 30,60,90 DAS and at harvest, respectively) and early germination (6.33)were recorded with seed treatment of <em>Bradyrhizobium japonicum +Pseudomonas fluorescence</em> with theapplication of full dose of RDF and The maximum number of pods per plant(46.43), length of pod (9.76 cm), test weight(4.11g), seed yield(13.53 Qha<sup>-1</sup>) and crude protein content(7.47 %) were obtained with same treatment combination.

Pages: 501-503  |  1506 Views  296 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dhanraj P, AP Mallikarjuna Gowda, TH Shankarappa, S Anil Kumar, Praneeth YS, Dhanush SL and Pragath UB. Effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on growth, yield and quality of shankapushpi (<em>Clitorea ternatea</em> L.)” under rainfed situation. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(3S):501-503.

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