S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Impact of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of turmeric (<em>Curcuma longa</em> L.)
Bhoomika HR, Heena Kauser, Vaishnavi BA and Shivaprasad M
Pages: 44-46 | 2109 Views 541 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Fruit yield and cost of production in noni (<em>Morinda citrifolia </em>L.) as influenced by integrated nutrient management
Bhoomika HR and Vasundhara M
Pages: 47-49 | 2373 Views 792 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Review on production techniques of GI Crop, Udupi Mallige (<em>Jasminum sambac </em>(L.) Aiton)
HS Chaitanya, Nataraja S, Vikram HC and Jayalakshmi Narayan Hegde
Pages: 50-52 | 3265 Views 1648 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Floral biology and reproductive behaviour of <em>Nigella sativa</em> L. var. Ajmer Nigella-1
Diwakar Y, Harisha CB, Singh B, Kakani RK and Saxena SN
Pages: 53-58 | 2573 Views 1002 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Seed quality enhancement techniques in medicinal and aromatic crops: a review
Gajendra Khidrapure, Lakshmana D, Hanumanthappa M, Rekha Badalingappanavar and Chandana BC
Pages: 59-64 | 2584 Views 1090 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Effect of spacings and fertilizer levels on yield paramters, yield and quality of chia (<em>Salvia hispanica</em> L.)
Jeena Mary, Veeranna HK, Girijesh GK, Sreedhar RV, Dhananjaya BC and Gangaprasad S
Pages: 65-68 | 3296 Views 1614 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Effect of different proportion of fly ash and vermicompost on growth and yield of Senna in Semi-arid regions of India
Ashish Kumar, Jnanesha AC and Bharath Kumar TP
Pages: 69-72 | 1878 Views 387 Downloads | Country: India
India |
8 |
Effect of seasonal variation on growth and oil yield in <em>Ocimumafricanum </em>Lour
Jnanesha AC, Ashish Kumar and Vijaya Kumar M
Pages: 73-77 | 2252 Views 650 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
<em>In-vitro</em> conservation studies in <em>Salacia chinensis </em>L. a threatened medicinal plant
Laxmi Mastiholi, Raviraja Shetty G, Souravi K and Rajasekharan PE
Pages: 78-81 | 2229 Views 631 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Influence of GA<sub>3</sub> and nitrogen on growth, physiological and yield attributes in <em>Stevia rebaudiana</em>
Lokesh CH, Hiremath JS, Gireesh Ankad, Mahantesh PS, Nishchitha M and Pooja MR
Pages: 82-85 | 1905 Views 381 Downloads | Country: India
India |