Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 4 (2018)
Influence of weather parameters on population dynamics of yellow stem borer (YSB) in rice crop at Raipur
Sahdev Nag, JL Chaudhary, Sakha Ram Shori, Jeetendra Netam and Hemant Kumar Sinha
A field experiment was carried out during <em>kharif </em>season 2016 at Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur. Yellow stem borer is major insect pest always causing damage to the rice crop resulting in considerable yield losses. The present study aimed to find out the effect of these environmental factors on the severity of insect pest. These finding may give reliable methods to identify environmental condition that are conducive for the development of a particular insect pest. Correlation study of present field population observed data of yellow stem borer and weather parameters the adult population of YSB showed non-significant positive correlation with maximum temperature (r = 0.07) and wind velocity (r = 0.57) whereas, minimum temperature (r = 0.83**), morning relative humidity (r = 0.80**), evening relative humidity (r = 0.82**), rainfall (r = 0.64*), and sunshine hours (r = - 0.88**) had a significant positive correlation. Diurnal variation (DV) (r = 0.83**), heat sum (HS) (0.75**) and night temperature regime (0.72*) showed positive correlation with the moth population. Among all the weather parameters diurnal variation and minimum temperature showed highest degree of correlation with YSB.
Pages: 37-44 | 2855 Views 1013 Downloads
Sahdev Nag, JL Chaudhary, Sakha Ram Shori, Jeetendra Netam and Hemant Kumar Sinha. Influence of weather parameters on population dynamics of yellow stem borer (YSB) in rice crop at Raipur. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(4S):37-44.