Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 4 (2018)
Effect of some nutrients on growth of rice field cyanobacteria
Ruby Chandra, Pawan Kumar Srivastava and Kanhaiyaji Verma
Rice fields situated north of Railway Station of Chapra were surveyed for the occurrence of heterocystous cyanobacterial strains.<strong> </strong>Two cyanobacterial strains<strong> </strong>namely <em>N. linckia </em>and<em> A. doliolum </em>were isolated and selected for further studies. Effect of some nutrients on growth of the two strains was evaluated in different culture media. Since the selected strains are heterocystous and nitrogen fixing, elemental nitrogen (N<sub>2</sub>) as well as combined inorganic nitrogen (NO<sub>3</sub>) media were used. Such studies might be helpful in deciding the use of fertilizers in rice fields along with cyanobacteria as biological nitrogen fixers. On the basis of results the quality and quantity of fertilizers to be used in rice fields may be decided so that the God gifted N-fertilizer may not be adversely affected in farmers field.
Pages: 68-71 | 1670 Views 304 Downloads
Ruby Chandra, Pawan Kumar Srivastava and Kanhaiyaji Verma. Effect of some nutrients on growth of rice field cyanobacteria. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(4S):68-71.