Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 4 (2018)
Effect of establishment methods and weed management practices on weeds, yield attributes and yield of rice
Ashok Kumar Singh, Sanjay Kumar and Arun Kumar
A field experiment was conducted during <em>Kharif</em> season for two consecutive years of 2015 and 2016 to find out the comparative understanding of the effect of various rice establishment methods and weed management practices in direct seeded rice. The major weed flora recorded were <em>E. crusgalli, E. colona</em> and <em>P. maximum</em> of grassy, <em>Commelinabenghalensis</em> L. and <em>Eclipta alba</em> of broad leaved group and <em>Cyperus</em> Spp. of sedges group. However, grassy weeds were dominant over other weeds species. Significantly lower values of weed density and dry weight, yield and yield attributes of crop were recorded due to manual weeding thrice, and pretilachlore @ 750g/ha at 0<strong>-</strong>2 DAS fbalmix @ 4 g/ha at 25 DAS (3<strong>-</strong>4 leaf stage of rice crop) being at par at all characters during both the years. Both the establishment methods (wet) drum seeding and broadcasting being at par recorded significantly lower values of weed density, weed dry weight and higher values of growth and yield attributes, grain and straw yield over dry seeding methods during both the years. On the basis of two years experimentation, it may be concluded that higher values of grain yield and net returns may be obtained due to drum seeding methods of establishment of rice along with integrated method of using weed management by pretilachlore @ 750g/ha at 0<strong>-</strong>2 DAS fbalmix @ 4 g/ha at 25DAS (3<strong>-</strong>4 leaf stage of rice crop), while, broadcasting (wet)showed the same response However, for resource poor farmers, direct seeding of rice through drum along with pretilachlore @ 750g/ha at 0<strong>-</strong>2DASfbalmix @ 4 g/ha at 25DAS (3<strong>-</strong>4 leaf stage of rice crop) proved superior (BCR values of Rs 2.12 per ha) over other methods of rice establishment under puddled condition.
Pages: 88-92 | 1553 Views 343 Downloads
Ashok Kumar Singh, Sanjay Kumar and Arun Kumar. Effect of establishment methods and weed management practices on weeds, yield attributes and yield of rice. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(4S):88-92.