Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 4 (2018)
Price spread, marketing efficiency and constraints in value chain of tapioca in Tamil Nadu
Dr. R Balaji, Dr. S. Kumaravel, Dr. S Manickam and Dr. U Kumaran
An attempt has been made to study the price spread, marketing efficiency and constraints in value chain of tapioca in Tamil Nadu. Primary data were collected from various stakeholders constituting 120 farmers and 80 intermediaries operating in various levels of value chain channel. Six value chain channels were identified in Tamil Nadu. Intermediaries like retailers, wholesalers and Commission agent in the channels. I the market channel of tapioca involves, marketing of raw tubers, marketing of few value added products like starch, sago and wafers. Hence in this study, the major market functionaries were identified, their roles in the transactions and the related marketing cost incurred and margin obtained by these market functionaries were analyzed. In this study, six different market channels were identified. The Channel I pertained to marketing of tubers from farmers to consumers for direct consumption (without processing). Channel II pertained to marketing of sago to consumers (after processing). The Channel III and IV referred to marketing of starch to industrial consumers through different intermediaries. Besides, the Channel V and Channel VI began with the starch processor selling as sago in the former channel and as wafers to consumer in the latter. Monsoon failure was the fore most constraint/problems faced by the farmers. The major problems faced by market intermediaries were high transportation cost, delayed payment at different levels, lack of quality, poor storage facility and high handling cost. Electricity required for processing was the major constraint faced by processors.
Pages: 101-104 | 2210 Views 739 Downloads
Dr. R Balaji, Dr. S. Kumaravel, Dr. S Manickam and Dr. U Kumaran. Price spread, marketing efficiency and constraints in value chain of tapioca in Tamil Nadu. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(4S):101-104.