Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 4 (2018)
A study of population dynamic of soil biota with reference to earthworm relation to recycling of solid wastes
Karuna Kumari and Mahesh Prasad Rai
In this modern era of green revolution and biotechnology, the significant use of our natural resources and traditional practices of preparing organic manure and applying them to soil is a matter of great concern. Modern crop production technology has considerably raised output but have also jeopardized environment through nitrate pollution and exterminating the beneficial soil Microflora and Microfauna by adversely altering the physical and chemical properties of soil resulting in adverse effects on fragile ecosystem. The cycling of nutrients is a critical eco system function that is essential to life on earth and is followed by the production of organic matter. There is increasing evidence that soil macro invertebrates play a key role in soil organic matter (SOM) transformations and nutrient dynamic at different spatial and temporal scales through perturbation and the production of biogenic structures for the improvement of soil fertility and land productivity (Brussaard et al., 1997; Lavelle and Spain, 2001). Organic matter has a unique role to play in soil fertility. The pH of soil of Godda district range from 4.7 to 8.1. The organic carbon content in the district ranges from 0.29 to 1.63 %. Available nitrogen content in the surface soils of Godda district ranges between 220 and 630 kg/hac. Available phosphorus content in these soils ranges between 1.0 and 12.8kg/hac. Soil biota community largely includes collembolan, Soil Mites, other soil Arthropods and earthworms. Earthworm abundance in upper 0.1 m of the soil profile is positively correlated with decomposition rate of plant leaf litter. The analysis of between – subject effects and within-subject was also found to be highly significant. Regression analysis for different soil fauna and abiotic factors in different ecosystem. Earthworm were positivity correlated with soil temperature, soil moisture, atmospheric temperature and rainfall, but showed a negative correlation with pH, organic matter and relative humidity. Eisenia Foetida is the most efficient in waste processing, while Eudrilus Eugeniae is large fast growing, reasonably prolific and would be ideal for protein product. This is the only study highlight the cyclic fluctuation in the species structure at different time intervals. A composite study on microbial association with the predominant earthworm species at a given time may provide necessary information on its ecological role.
Pages: 327-332 | 1340 Views 285 Downloads
Karuna Kumari and Mahesh Prasad Rai. A study of population dynamic of soil biota with reference to earthworm relation to recycling of solid wastes. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(4S):327-332.