Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 4 (2018)
Body composition and health status of hypertensive subjects
Nandana Kumari and Rita Singh Raghuvanshi
Hypertension is most commonly prevalent non-communicable disease and responsible risk factor for 57 per cent of all stroke deaths and 24 per cent of all coronary heart disease deaths in India. That’s. why it is also known as silent killer. Therefore, to get detailed information regarding the changes occurring in the body in hypertension, the present study was conducted with objective to assess the body composition of hypertensive subjects and their health status also. Assessment of body composition using Bioscan can provide insight of one’s health. Total 45 hypertensive subjects were randomly selected and divided into three groups name as control, placebo and experimental group. Each group was composed of 15 hypertensive subjects. After the collection of baseline information, body composition of all hypertensive subjects were assessed with bioscan analyzer and the parameters taken for study were body fat, fat free mass, total body water, extra cellular water, intra cellular water and body cell mass etc. It was found that Fat (%) value were higher among female hypertensive subjects than male hypertensive subjects. The range of body fat in male hypertensive subjects were from 25.53 % to 31.90 % and in female hypertensive subjects were from 40.62% to 48.16 % respectively. It is clear that obese hypertensive subjects had higher amount of adipose tissue and small amount of body protein available for energy as compared to the lean hypertensive subjects. The nature of fat free mass FFM (%) and BCM (Kg) was just reverse from body fat. Male had higher value of FFM (%) than female hypertensive subjects. FFM (%) is directly related with physical performance and BCM with metabolic functions. Both, male and female hypertensive subjects differed non-significantly to each other in Fat (%), FFM (%) and BCM (kg) and in other parameters also mentioned above. On the basis of these findings it can be concluded that through the continuous monitoring of concern parameters of body composition related to the hypertension, the disease risk of the subjects can be reduced and prevented easily to improve their health condition for example: the reduction in body fat led to an improved quality of life, reduced blood pressure and overall subjects felt better and fitter.
Pages: 401-405 | 1489 Views 317 Downloads
Nandana Kumari and Rita Singh Raghuvanshi. Body composition and health status of hypertensive subjects. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(4S):401-405.