Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 5 (2018)
Study on effects of Panchagavya on vegetable crop (Potato)
N Murugalatha, Anjali, Muralitharan, Rinkey Arya and Naveen Chandra
Man made artificial fertilizers are turning its negative facet to farmers slowly destroying the fertility of soil and decreasing the quality of the produce. This has set an alarming situation for farmer and other sectors in the field of agriculture. Farmers have started their race towards natural produce which fetch them economically well and creating consumer safety and satisfactory. Natural materials as fertilizers play a major role in sustainable development of agriculture. It has also enhanced the biological activities promoting biodiversity supporting the biological cycles. Panchagavya, an organic starting solution prepared by fermenting cow dung and cow urine, contains natural NPK fertilizer. The carbon sources present in the manure enhances the growth of microorganisms in soil whose activity will continuously generate nutrients needed by plants. Panchagavya was applied on growing potato seedlings. Different concentration of the organic solution (3%, 5% and %) were sprayed instead of chemical fertilizer at 15 days interval. 5% concentration solution of organic manure- Panchagavya provided a better yield than the other two concentrations
Pages: 125-126 | 2703 Views 957 Downloads
N Murugalatha, Anjali, Muralitharan, Rinkey Arya and Naveen Chandra. Study on effects of Panchagavya on vegetable crop (Potato). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(5S):125-126.