Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 5 (2018)
Effect of organic Fertilizer- Panchagavya on Rabi crop
Prajwal Chaudhary, Shivani Mohanty, Monika, N Murugalatha, Pooja Bharthwal and Portia D Singh
Synthetic inorganic fertilizers are complete balanced fertilizers when applied continuously in the soil reduces the major characters of soil like resistance to pest and diseases and also destroys the natural microbial activity. Organic fertilizers an alternative are in turn environmentally friendly by enhancing the soil fertility and provide rapid nutrients. In our present study Panchagavya, an organic fertilizers from cow ingredients was prepared and was applied on wheat crops at various concentrations (3%, 5% and 7%). Initial germination process was at a faster rate in organic manure sprayed field are at 5% concentration and in control field. It was observed that soil moisture holding capacity was insufficient in the field area where the organic manure was sprayed at 7% and 9% due to which the organic fertilizers were not able to release nutrients for the growth of plants. Nitrogen deficiency was observed in the crops and an unhealthy growing environment was observed
Pages: 127-128 | 2027 Views 605 Downloads
Prajwal Chaudhary, Shivani Mohanty, Monika, N Murugalatha, Pooja Bharthwal and Portia D Singh. Effect of organic Fertilizer- Panchagavya on Rabi crop. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(5S):127-128.