Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 5 (2018)
Emerging trends of researches in agriculture extension education
Rupan Raghuvanshi and MA Ansari
The study aims to analyse the contents of articles published in Indian Research Journal of Extension Education. Volume 1 and 2 of 2014 was taken as a sample to analyse the various issues published in It. Volume 1 constitutes the 29 issue and volume 2 constitutes the 32 issues thus total 60 issues were reviewed. The main objective of this study was to find out the emerging research trends in extension education and to see the various important categories of research. The whole content were analysed in following heads title of the research/article, objectives, category of research, sample size methodology or tools and techniques. It was found that majority of research published was done on Adoption & Diffusion (7), Climate change (6) Training (6), ICT (5), Management (5), Entrepreneurship(4), Women Empowerment(3), SHGs (3), LPM (3), Agri. Clinics (2) Sustainable Ag.(1) and privatization (1), journalism (1) and remaining articles were come into other categories like one article was from home science, one from forestry etc. It was found that maximum number of researches was on adoption and diffusion, climate change, women empowerment, entrepreneurship etc. So on the bases of this, it was concluded that this is the emerging trend of researches in field of agricultural extension and communication
Pages: 137-139 | 3152 Views 1702 Downloads
Rupan Raghuvanshi and MA Ansari. Emerging trends of researches in agriculture extension education. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(5S):137-139.