Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 5 (2018)
Affect of different doses of Fym on flower yield of marigold (<em>Tagetes Erecta</em> L.) CV. Hawaii
Naveen Chandra, Anoop Badoni, Vinay Chamoli, Javed Khaan, Naman Joshi and N Muruglatha
The present study was carried out with an aim to identify and standardize the most suitable doses of FYM to achieve higher yield of marigold flower. The experiment was laid out in randomize block design with three replicates and five treatments i.e. T<sub>1 </sub>(11 tonne /ha), T<sub>2 </sub>(22 tonne /ha), T<sub>3 </sub>(27.50 tonne /ha), and T<sub>4</sub> (Control). The maximum yield was obtained from treatment T<sub>1 </sub>(11 tonne /ha) 37.41±0.629 concentration of FYM 22 tonne /ha.
Pages: 154-156 | 1779 Views 555 Downloads
Naveen Chandra, Anoop Badoni, Vinay Chamoli, Javed Khaan, Naman Joshi and N Muruglatha. Affect of different doses of Fym on flower yield of marigold (<em>Tagetes Erecta</em> L.) CV. Hawaii. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(5S):154-156.