Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 1 (2019)
Effect of planting dates, mulching and application of ga3 on seed yield and quality of marigold (<em>Tagetes Erecta </em>L.) cv. ‘Pusa Narangi Gainda’
Priyanka Thakur, BS Dilta, YC Gupta, DK Mehta and Pardeep Kumar
Marigold is one of the most popular flowers in our country on account of its easy culture, wider adaptability and lucrative returns. The demand for marigold flowers has shown a steady increase exponently in the recent years. African marigold cv. ‘Pusa Narangi Gainda’ assumes greater significance as their flowers are more in demand. The demand for marigold seeds is increasing in our country owing to reasons that its cultivation is being taken up in large area, annually. So, to cope up the seed demands in terms of the quantity and quality, the technology for improving the yield and quality of marigold seeds needs to be standarised. Hence, present study had been planned to investigate the influence of planting time, application of mulches and GA<sub>3</sub> on growth, flowering and seed production of marigold. In the said study, marigold seedlings of cv. ‘Pusa Narangi Gainda’ were planted on (1<sup>st</sup> week of July,3<sup>rd</sup> week of July & 1<sup>st</sup> week of August) in two consecutive years i.e. 2015-16 and 2016-17 and mulched with Black plastic mulch, Silver-black plastic mulch & Crop residue mulch along with control. The spry of GA<sub>3</sub>@ 0, 50,100&150ppm were given after 45 days of transplanting in both the years. 1<sup>st</sup> week of July along with application of silver-black mulch and GA<sub>3</sub> @150 ppm gives better results in term of yield and quality traits like number of seeds per head, seed yield per plant(g), seed yield plot (g), 1000 seed weight(g), germination percentage, SVI-L and SVI-M.
Pages: 250-254 | 1692 Views 529 Downloads
Priyanka Thakur, BS Dilta, YC Gupta, DK Mehta and Pardeep Kumar. Effect of planting dates, mulching and application of ga3 on seed yield and quality of marigold (<em>Tagetes Erecta </em>L.) cv. ‘Pusa Narangi Gainda’. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(1S):250-254.