Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 1 (2019)
Effect of different dates of sowing on the severity of French bean rust (<em>Uromyces appendiculatus</em>)
Neeraj Sharma, Narender Bharat and SK Gupta
Appropriate sowing dates along with adapted variety has paramount significance in improving the pod yield, quality and management of the disease. Aim of experiment was to determine the proper sowing date for better disease management and to harness optimum yield. Study was conducted on Falguni variety of French bean to evaluate the effect of different dates of sowing on severity of rust. Minimum rust severity and maximum green pod yield was recorded in the sowings done during the month of May as compared to June sowings. Minimum rust severity of 22.35 per cent was recorded for the sowing date of 22<sup>nd</sup> May closely followed by 29<sup>th </sup>May with a severity of 26.42 per cent. However, maximum rust severity of 38.40 percent was recorded for the sowing date of 26<sup>th</sup> June which was at par with 19<sup>th</sup> June sowing with rust severity of 36.70 per cent. Generally, a positive co-relation was observed between delayed date of sowing of the crop and disease severity of bean rust. Yield was inversely proportional to disease severity and maximum green pod yield was recorded on 22<sup>nd</sup> May sowing (4.18 kg/plot) followed by 29<sup>th</sup> May (3.03 Kg/plot) and 15<sup>th</sup> May (2.08 Kg/plot) sowings, which did not differ significantly among themselves. However, minimum green pod yield (1.97 Kg/plot) was recorded in 26<sup>th </sup>June sowing.
Pages: 285-287 | 1269 Views 312 Downloads
Neeraj Sharma, Narender Bharat and SK Gupta. Effect of different dates of sowing on the severity of French bean rust (<em>Uromyces appendiculatus</em>). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(1S):285-287.