Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 1 (2019)
Antimicrobial agent used in poultry: Consequences and alternatives
Shivangi Saxena and Shally Jain
For fulfilling the dietary needs of human population in malwa region there is great focus on raising hens and chickens for meat and eggs. For better production, antibiotics are commonly used in poultry industry as prophylactic, therapeutic and nutritive purposes to ensure rapid growth and prevent infection. Large amount of antibiotic used in poultry industry which lead to proliferate multi drug resistant bacteria This condition become more worse because this drug resistant bacteria are now spreading in the environment due to unsafe disposal of poultry litter and waste in agricultural field. But non judicious use of these drugs result in accumulation of toxic and harmful residues in meat and eggs of treated birds which ultimately affect consumer health by triggering allergic reaction and transmitting antibiotic resistant microbial infections. In this article we pay more attention toward the hygienic status of poultry farm, use of various antimicrobial agents, their distribution and their subsequent effect on human health. The main aim of this study is to provide some other alternatives which have similar beneficial effects of growth promoters as well as good level of animal yield.
Pages: 303-305 | 1332 Views 314 Downloads
Shivangi Saxena and Shally Jain. Antimicrobial agent used in poultry: Consequences and alternatives. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(1S):303-305.