Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 1 (2019)
Use of protective clothing for industrial worker
Sangeeta Sharma and Aastha Khatri
The workplace environment affects the health of workers. Unhygienic conditions are observed in the workplace environment of Industrial mills as fine organic industrial dust gets airborne in the indoor environment of the industrial mills. Protective Cloth protects the vulnerable nude human body from the extremes of weather, other features of our environment, and for safety reasons. Clothing can protect against many things that might injure the naked human body. The work was undertaken to study the health problems faced by industrial mill workers and to find out existing clothing practices and the use of personal protective clothing by industrial mill workers. The benefits of using protective clothing are obvious, firstly for the worker to protect his person in their working environment that may be hazardous, and secondly the benefit to the company that has its workers wearing protective clothing is that workers are safe and health inspectors are happy. Protective clothing is now functional and durable, assisting and protecting the wearer in their chosen environment. It was further revealed that none of the Industrial mill workers was using the personnel protective devices while working. We recommend the compulsory use of personal protective equipment (nose mask) by industrial mill workers during working hours Protective clothing in certain industries is becoming more and more invaluable to business owners, corporate heads and on-the-ground workers. Protective clothing can be used in many different situations, from hailstorm situations to oil and molten metal, even protecting the wearer from infection. Some work environment situation will find the wearer in protective clothing where the object is to protect the environment from the worker; this is often found in a sterile environment such as hospitals. Protective clothing is also found out on the sports field, where the player needs protective clothing in contact sports or similar dangerous situations such as ice hockey, horse riding, football, etc.
Pages: 389-392 | 1280 Views 250 Downloads
Sangeeta Sharma and Aastha Khatri. Use of protective clothing for industrial worker. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(1S):389-392.