Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 2 (2019)
Investigating the influence of climate change on crop and livestock: A case study of Bidar and Raichur districts of Karnataka
Banashree B, Maraddi GN and Shanwad UK
The study assessed the influence of climate change on crop and livestock as expressed by farmers and adaptation measured followed by them under changing condition. Simple random sampling technique was employed to select 120 respondents comprising equal number of respondents from Bidar and Raichur districts. The primary data required for the study were collected by structured interview schedule administered on 120 farmers randomly selected from the Bidar and Raichur districts of Karnataka. Descriptive analyses of data were carried out using frequency counts, percentages, means and tables. In Bidar district 85.00 per cent of the farmers expressed that income from crop production is adversely affected due to climate change and 81.67 per cent of the Raichur farmers agreed with the same. 80.00 and 70.00 per cent of Bidar and Raichur farmers respectively expressed that there is decrease in crop yield due to climate change. In Bidar district 81.67 per cent (63.33% in Raichur district) opined there is increase in outbreak of livestock diseases in changing climate and 61.67 per cent (53.33% in Raichur district) felt that there is reduction in milk yield of dairy animals. Adaptation measures initiated by the farmers to mitigate the influence of climate change were change in sowing dates, drought escaping mechanism, shifted from long duration to short duration varieties and crop diversification. Some of the farmers have increased the quantity of fertilizer application while some have increased the number of irrigations given. The study reveals that most of the farmers are aware of climate change and its influence on crop and livestock and took up the adaptation measures.
Pages: 141-147 | 1630 Views 372 Downloads
Banashree B, Maraddi GN and Shanwad UK. Investigating the influence of climate change on crop and livestock: A case study of Bidar and Raichur districts of Karnataka. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2S):141-147.