Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 2 (2019)
Efficacy of pre and post emergence herbicides on weed flora in blackgram
Deeba Hassan, R Thakur, RR Upasani, RP Manjhi and Arvind Kumar
A field experiment was conducted at Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand during rainy and winter seasons of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 in sandy-loam soil to study the Efficacy of pre and post emergence herbicides on weed flora in blackgram. The experiment were carried out with sixteen weed control treatment i.e. Imazthapyr 50g/haPRE (T1), Imazthapyr 70g/haPRE (T2), Imazthapyr 80g/haPRE (T3), Imazthapyr 50g/ha POE (T4), Imazthapyr 70g/haPOE (T5), Imazethapyr 80g/haPOE (T6), Imazethapyr. + Imazemox 50g/ha PRE (T7), Imazethapyr. + Imazemox 70g/haPRE (T8), Imazethapyr. +Imazemox 80g/ha PRE (T9), Imazethapyr. + Imazemox 50g/ha POE (T10), Imazethapyr. +Imazemox 70g/ha POE (T11), Imazethapyr. + Imazemox 80g/ha POE (T12), Pendimethalin1000g/ha PRE (T13), Imazethapyr + Pendimethalin 1000g/ha (T14), Hoeing twice (T15) each performed at 20 and 40 DAS and weedy check (T16). The experiment were laid out in RBD and result revealed that the field were infested with all three types of weeds which mainly consist of <em>Ageratum conyzoids, Commelina nudifolia, Ellusine indica,</em> and <em>Cyperus iria</em>. Among all treatments application of Imazethapyr+ Imazamox 80g/ha as post emergence was most effective weed control methods most efficient in reducing weed density and dry weight as well as better crop growth, higher yield of blackgram.
Pages: 197-199 | 1475 Views 367 Downloads
Deeba Hassan, R Thakur, RR Upasani, RP Manjhi and Arvind Kumar. Efficacy of pre and post emergence herbicides on weed flora in blackgram. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2S):197-199.