Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 2 (2019)
Studies on growth, yield of soybean [<em>Glycine max</em> (L.) Merill] as influenced by biofertilizers
Navasare GJ, Aglave BN and Sathe RK
The field investigation entitled “Studies on growth, nodulation and yield of soybean [<em>Glycine max</em> (L.) Merill] as influenced by biofertilizers” was conducted on farm, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Latur. The experimental field was leveled and well drained. The soil was clayey loam in texture, low in available nitrogen, medium in available phosphorus, high in potassium and slightly alkaline in reaction. The environmental conditions prevailed during experimental period was favourable for normal growth and maturity of soybean crop.<strong> </strong>The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications and variety MAUS-71 as a test crop along with eight treatments. T<sub>1</sub>- RDF + <em>Rhizobium</em> (P), T<sub>2</sub>- RDF + <em>Rhizobium</em> (L), T<sub>3</sub>- RDF + <em>Rhizobium</em> (P) + PSB (P), T<sub>4</sub>- RDF + <em>Rhizobium</em> (P) + PSB (L), T<sub>5</sub>- RDF + <em>Rhizobium</em> (L) + PSB (P), T<sub>6</sub>- RDF + <em>Rhizobium</em> (L) + PSB (L), T<sub>7</sub>- Only RDF (30:60:30 NPK kg ha<sup>-1</sup>) and T<sub>8</sub>- Un-inoculated and un-fertilized (Control). The gross and net plot size of each experimental unit was 5.4 m x 4.5 m and 4.5 m x 3.5 m, respectively. Sowing was done on 05<sup>th</sup> July, 2013 by dibbling the seed. The recommended cultural practices and plant protection measures were taken. As per fertilizer treatment whole dose of fertilizer applied as basal dose at the time of sowing.<strong> </strong>Application of RDF + <em>Rhizobium</em> (L) + PSB (L) (T<sub>6</sub>) recorded significantly higher growth, yield and quality contributing characters followed by application of RDF + <em>Rhizobium</em> (L) + PSB (P) (T<sub>5</sub>) and RDF + <em>Rhizobium</em> (P) + PSB (L) (T<sub>4</sub>).
Pages: 238-240 | 1207 Views 257 Downloads
Navasare GJ, Aglave BN and Sathe RK. Studies on growth, yield of soybean [<em>Glycine max</em> (L.) Merill] as influenced by biofertilizers. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2S):238-240.