Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 2 (2019)
Heat use efficiency, Helio thermal use efficiency and photo thermal use efficiency of foxtail millet (<em>Setaria italica</em> L.) genotypes as influenced by sowing dates under southern transition zone of Karnataka
Nandini KM and Sridhara S
A field experiment was conducted during <em>kharif </em>seasons of 2016 and 2017 at College of Agriculture, UAHS, Shivamogga, India to study the phenology, and various agrometeorological indices <em>viz., </em>accumulated growing degree days (GDD), helio thermal use efficiency (HTUE), photo thermal units (PTUE) and heat use efficiency (HUE) of foxtail millet genotypes grown under different dates of sowing. Treatments consist of three dates of sowing (June 30<sup>th</sup>, July 30<sup>th</sup> and August 30<sup>th</sup>) with four genotypes (Local, HMT-1 and SIA 2644). The experiment conducted in RCBD with factorial concept with three replications. The accumulated heat unit required to attain different phenological stages decreased in all the genotypes with every delay in sowing date. The crop sown on June 30<sup>th</sup> took significantly maximum GDD, to attain different phenological stages <em>viz</em>., germination, tillering, 50 per cent panicle initiation, 50 % flowering, grain formation and physiological maturity, which reduced significantly with subsequent delay in sowing date. Also, HUE, PTUE and HTUE were found to be significantly highest in crop sown on June 30<sup>th</sup> followed by July30<sup>th</sup> and August 30<sup>th</sup>. Among genotypes, SIA 2644 consumed significantly higher GDD to attain different phenological stages till physiological maturity, also resulted significantly higher HUE, PTUE and HTUE as compared to other genotypes.
Pages: 284-290 | 3259 Views 2061 Downloads
Nandini KM and Sridhara S. Heat use efficiency, Helio thermal use efficiency and photo thermal use efficiency of foxtail millet (<em>Setaria italica</em> L.) genotypes as influenced by sowing dates under southern transition zone of Karnataka. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2S):284-290.