Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 2 (2019)
Isolation, characterization and identification of <em>Gluconacetobacter</em> to develop it as a biofertilizer for sugarcane crop in Chhattisgarh
Narayan Prasad Verma and Tapas Chowdhury
Sugarcane is highly nitrogen requiring crop and about 250 kg /ha is required for its successful cultivation. At present no suitable biofertilizer for sugarcane crop is available in Chhattisgarh, so alternative ways were searched to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers in sugarcane cultivation. To fulfill the above target for reduction of fertilizer requirement for the above crop efforts have been made to search effective bioagent which can provide nitrogen nutrition to crop under low input technology. Looking to the above facts the organism “<em>Gluconacetobacter”</em> was taken as a test organism for sugarcane as the organism has the potential to fix 150 kg atmospheric N/ha. In this connection endophytic dizotrophic bacteria were isolated from plant samples of sugarcane crop grown in different areas of kabirdham district of Chhattisgarh. Forty isolates of <em>Gluconacetobacter</em> were isolated from sugarcane juice inoculated in LGI medium. Theses isolated were found effective to fix atmospheric nitrogen and solubilize insoluble phosphates. Out of 40 isolates collected four were found very effective for above parameters. Further these isolates were characterized and identified as <em>Gluconacetobacter.</em> These isolates were also found good capacity to produce different plant growth promoting phytohormones. At present the above effective isolates are being tested for their N-fixing capacity in farmer’s fields. The results are found very encouraging.
Pages: 323-326 | 1712 Views 639 Downloads
Narayan Prasad Verma and Tapas Chowdhury. Isolation, characterization and identification of <em>Gluconacetobacter</em> to develop it as a biofertilizer for sugarcane crop in Chhattisgarh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2S):323-326.