Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 2 (2019)
Enhancement on seedling morphological and physiological characteristics of green gram seeds through presowing seed treatment
A Kamaraj, S Padmavathi, S Ezhilkumar and P Satheeshkumar
The present investigation was carried out to study the effect of various presowing seed conditioning treatment on seedling morphological and physiological characteristics of green gram seeds by using various chemicals, biofertilizer and organic product and tested for their seed quality under laboratory condition. Freshly harvested, cleaned and graded seeds of green gram were imposed with the following seed treatments <em>viz.,</em>T<sub>0</sub>-Control (Untreated dry seed), T<sub>1 </sub>- NaCl @ 1%, T<sub>2</sub>-Mannitol @ 1%, T<sub>3</sub> = T<sub>1</sub> + T<sub>2,</sub>T<sub>4</sub> - Flyash @ 250 gm/kg of seeds, T<sub>5</sub> - Arappu powder @ 250 gm/kg of seeds,T<sub>6</sub> - T<sub>4</sub> + T<sub>5, </sub>T<sub>7 </sub>- <em>Prosopis</em> leaf extract @ 1%, T<sub>8</sub> – Pungam leaf extract @ 1%, T<sub>9</sub> – T<sub>7 </sub>+T<sub>8</sub>,T<sub>10 </sub>– <em>Rhizobium</em> @ 600 gm/ha, T<sub>11</sub>-<em>Azospirillum</em> @ 600 gm/ha, T<sub>12</sub>-T<sub>10</sub> +T<sub>11</sub>,T<sub>13</sub> - MgSO<sub>4 </sub>@ 100 ppm, T<sub>14 </sub>- MnSO<sub>4 </sub>@ 100 ppm, T<sub>15</sub>-T<sub>13</sub> + T<sub>14</sub>. From the results, it was found that seed hardened with 1% <em>Prosopis</em> + 1% Pungam leaf extract recorded significantly higher values for the speed of germination, germination percent, accumulated speed of germination, Emergence index, Germination value, root length, shoot length, dry matter production, seedling vigour I and seedling vigour II under laboratory test. Thus the present experiment clearly indicated that the promising effect of seed hardening with 1% <em>Prosopis</em> and 1% <em>Pungam</em> leaf extract followed by MnSO<sub>4 </sub>(100 ppm) seed priming could be recommended for improving the seed and seedling quality parameters.
Pages: 454-458 | 1736 Views 755 Downloads
A Kamaraj, S Padmavathi, S Ezhilkumar and P Satheeshkumar. Enhancement on seedling morphological and physiological characteristics of green gram seeds through presowing seed treatment. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2S):454-458.