Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 2 (2019)
Perceived impact of ICT enabled extension services on farmers in Erode District
Meenambigai J and S Bhuvaneshwaran
Information delivering systems which are accessible only through the help of ICT tools that are mainly focusing on extension activities are known as ICT enabled extension services. This includes mobile applications, computer applications, Information kiosks, websites, interactive multimedia compact disc and village knowledge centres. The information communication technology (ICT) through some computer and mobile enabled, analogue and digital tools is the key enabler and vital component of new knowledge based economy and information revolution. Based on the above facts the research problem identified is the existence of gap between information rich and information poor farmers. This gap might be filled through the ICT enabled extension services. Hence, the specific objective of the present study is formulated to study the perceived impact of ICT enabled extension services on agriculture and behaviour of farmers. ICT have a demonstrably positive effect on income growth in developing and developed countries. In rural areas, ICTs can raise incomes by increasing agricultural productivity and introducing income channels other than traditional farm jobs and improve income and quality of life among the rural poor. The findings of present investigation will be useful to researchers in the field of ICT and policy makers to formulate effective strategies to reach the unreached through ICT enabled extension services. The present investigation was conducted in Erode district of Tamil Nadu state. A sample size of 120 farmers cultivating banana, paddy, turmeric, sugarcane and coconut were selected through using proportionate random sampling technique. In this study 32 ICT enabled extension services were selected after relevant review of literature, consulting state department official and KVK scientists, getting suggestions and guidance of the experts in the field of ICT. Perceived impact is operationally defined as effectiveness of use of ICT enabled extension services by the individual respondents for different agricultural practices. The impact of various ICT enabled extension services was measured in terms of general and specific. The respondents were asked to give their perceived opinion in terms of agree or disagree. 1 and 0 scores were given accordingly. Percentage analysis was worked out for further interpretation. The findings of the study concluded that ICT enabled extension services has general impact on agriculture such as achieving improved process control and transparency in market information (83.33 per cent) followed by innovations in agriculture through electronic media and support educator and training (76.67 per cent). Most of the respondents stated that the services had specific impact on their behaviour such as increased their knowledge about agricultural inputs and marketing prices (80.00 per cent) followed by new crop varieties and technologies (75.00 per cent). ICT enabled services also increased skill on adoption of innovative technologies (75.00 per cent) and provided information to the respondents about marketing through digital mandi (73.33 per cent) were also reported.
Pages: 632-634 | 1205 Views 321 Downloads
Meenambigai J and S Bhuvaneshwaran. Perceived impact of ICT enabled extension services on farmers in Erode District. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2S):632-634.