Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 2 (2019)
An economic analysis of Isabgol and its competitive crops in Malwa plateau region of Madhya Pradesh
Savita Chouhan and Dr. AK Sarawgi
An attempt has been made in this study to assess the cost and returns of Tulsi and its competitive crops. Ratlam, Mandsaur and Neemuch districts in Malwa Plateau region of Madhya Pradesh were selected on the basis of maximum area covered by the Tulsi crop. From the selected districts, 6 blocks (2 from each district), 30 villages (5 from each block) and 45 sample farmers were selected randomly for detail investigation. The primary data pertains to the agriculture year 2014-15. For estimation cost and returns, cost concepts i.e. cost A<sub>1</sub>, A<sub>2</sub>, B<sub>1</sub>, B<sub>2</sub>, C<sub>1</sub>, C<sub> </sub>and C<sub>3</sub> and net family labour and farm business incomes and B.C. ratio were considered. The result shows that the average family size of sample farmers was found five. As per caste wise distribution of sample respondents, majority of respondents belong to OBC category (82 percent) followed by general (9 percent), SC (7 percent) and ST (2 percent). Regarding the age and educational level it was found that more number of sample farmers belongs to the middle age group (51 percent), followed by old age (29) and young age group (20 percent) of sample farmers. It was observed that 56 percent sample farmers were educated up to primary level followed by higher secondary school (31 percent) and under graduation (13 percent) level. The cost of cultivation was estimated to be Rs. 49514, 32236.89 and 163384.13 for Isabgol, Wheat and Garlic respectively. Regarding cost of production, it was Rs. 4112.45, 978.95 and Rs. 8972.23 under Isabgol, Wheat and Garlic crop respectively. The data revealed that the net income was estimated to be Rs. 45313, 20003 and Rs. 28506 for Isabgol, Wheat and Garlic crop respectively. As far as the B.C. ratio was concerned it was estimated to be 1:1.95, 1:1.62 and 1:1.17 for Isabgol, Wheat, and Garlic crop respectively, which indicates that the Isabgol crop was more profitable than their competitive crops. On the basis of findings it is suggested that more efforts are required to motivate the farmer to include more area of Isabgol crop in the existing cropping pattern by the sample farmers than there is chance to improve economic condition of the farmers.
Pages: 662-664 | 1442 Views 393 Downloads
Savita Chouhan and Dr. AK Sarawgi. An economic analysis of Isabgol and its competitive crops in Malwa plateau region of Madhya Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2S):662-664.