Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 2 (2019)
Impact of improved production technologies on yield of rice fallow pulses in Cauvery delta zone
C Umamageswari, R Manimaran and K Iyanar
The Cauvery Delta Zone (CDZ) has a total land area of 1.45 million ha, which is equivalent to 11% of the state area. In this zone, rice fallow pulses are cultivated regularly after the Samba rice crop in December- January contributing a major share (>40%) to pulse production in the state. Nearly 3.1 lakh ha of Samba rice area is under rice fallow/ follow pulses and the yield realized ranged from 300 to 500 kg ha-1 which is low compared to the potential yield under irrigated conditions. Since there is a huge scope to increase the yield under this situation by creating awareness on latest technologies, Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Aduthurai intervened by conducting Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) with latest technologies as a full package. The package included improved practices viz. varieties and technologies for crop establishment, weed, nutrient, pest and disease management and moisture stress mitigation in blackgram and greengram. A total of 87 FLDs were conducted in Thanjavur, Tiruvarur, Nagapattinam, Trichy and Cuddalore districts during 2015- 18. The yield obtained in individual farmer’s holding revealed that, in blackgram, a maximum grain yield of 753 kg ha-1 was obtained with latest technologies at Nannilam Block of Tiruvarur district which is 17.5% higher than farmer’s practice (641 kg ha-1). In terms of monetary advantage, 13.6% higher net return was realized. In greengram, a maximum grain yield of 688 kg ha-1 was obtained at Vadamattam of Tiruvarur district which is 23.3% higher than farmer’s practice (558 kg ha-1) with 21.3% increased net return. It is inferred that, the increase in awareness level on varieties, time of sowing, seed rate, seed treatment, machinery for rice harvest, herbicide application, foliar spray, moisture stress mitigation and pest and disease management contributed to higher yields and income.
Pages: 963-967 | 1991 Views 910 Downloads
C Umamageswari, R Manimaran and K Iyanar. Impact of improved production technologies on yield of rice fallow pulses in Cauvery delta zone. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2S):963-967.