Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 4 (2019)
“Integrated pest management is a holistic approach in modern agriculture”
Sumit Kumar, Narender Kumar, Rajendra Singh and BD Sharma
Various researchers estimated that insects came into existence 350-500 million years ago. Insect pests cause heavy losses to the commodity in cultivated area and as well as in stored products in term of quality and quantity. Alternate host and soil is the best reservoir for insect pest in off season. The managements of insect pest can be done through many approaches like cultural i.e. crop rotation, seed treatment, weed eradication, fluctuation in sowing time, sanitation of plant debris, soil solarization, use of resistant cultivars; Mechanical i.e. use of traps (pheromone, light & sticky traps), removale of effected plant or part and eradication of various stages of pest from field; Biological i.e. natural enemies (<em>Chrysoperla spp</em>., <em>Coccinellidae spp</em>. and <em>Trichograma </em>spp<em>.</em> etc.) and biopesticides (<em>Bt</em>. <em>Beauveria bassiana</em>) and Chemical strategy. Cultural, Mechanical and Biological strategies are effective only at initial stages of attack, and they can not manage at sever attack. Chemical strategy is very effective but also very delicate to environmental pollution, residual effect. Development of chemical resistance in insect pest is major problem when continuous and singly application of chemicals. Therefore, all the methods have same limitation and draw back, so, integration of various strategy of pest management (IPM) is for most need in near future of sustainable agriculture.
Pages: 81-84 | 1986 Views 710 Downloads
Sumit Kumar, Narender Kumar, Rajendra Singh and BD Sharma. “Integrated pest management is a holistic approach in modern agriculture”. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(4S):81-84.