Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 4 (2019)
Response of foliar application of zinc sulphate magnesium sulphate and boron on quality of guava
The present investigation entitled “Response of foliar application of zinc sulphate magnesium sulphate and boron on quality of guava" was conducted in a well maintained Orchard of Khalsa College, Amritsar during 2015-16. 30 guava trees with uniform size and vigour were selected and were sprayed with different concentrations of different nutrients (ZnSO<sub>4</sub> @ 0.50 â„…, 0.75 â„… and 1.0 â„…), (MgSO<sub>4</sub> @ 0.50 â„…, 0.75 â„… and 1.0 â„…) and (H<sub>3</sub>BO<sub>3</sub> @ 0.50 â„…, 0.75 â„… and 1.0 â„…) at fruit set to find out optimum concentrations of these chemicals for improving yield and quality. The investigation was laid out in RBD (Randomised Block Design) with 10 treatments which replicated thrice. Fruits were analysed for their biochemical characteristics in the laboratory of Department of Horticulture, Khalsa College Amritsar. The results of present study revealed that the fruit biochemical characters as TSS (10.46 â„…) was improved significantly under treatment T<sub>8</sub> (B @ 0.75 â„…) and total and reducing sugars were increased to a maximum 7.20 per cent and 5.16 per cent respectively with the application of B @ 1.0 per cent.
Pages: 157-158 | 1370 Views 263 Downloads
Anubhav Singh. Response of foliar application of zinc sulphate magnesium sulphate and boron on quality of guava. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(4S):157-158.