Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 5 (2019)
Effect of imezathyper and its combination with imezamox on nodulation and economic yield of blackgram
Monika Tilgam and Manisha Shyam
Among major legumes crops Blackgram [<em>Vigna mungo</em> (L.) Hepper] is the one of the important legume crops contributing 8-10% yield production, in India. Legumes crops have nitrogen requirements that typically are met through inoculation with effective nitrogen fixing Rhizobia. Besides managing weeds, the herbicides also affect plant growth by reducing microbial activity along with nitrogen fixation, immediately after application. The experiment was conducted in <em>Kharif</em> season 2014 at Research Farm, College of Agriculture, Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India in randomized block design with three replication and twelve treatments on blackgram to find out the Effect of Imezathyper and its Combination with Imezamox on Nodulation and Economic Yield of Blackgram. Results revealed that he maximum number of nodules (56.80 /plant), dry weight of nodules (73.60 mg/plant) and seed yield of 990 kg/ha was registered with treatment T<sub>11</sub> (two hand weeding at 20 & 40 DAS), which was statistically identical to T<sub>8</sub> (imezathyper<sub> </sub>+ imezamox (pre-mix) 80 g/ha PoE) and T<sub>10</sub> (imezathyper<sub> </sub>+ pendimethalin (pre-mix) 1000 g/ha PE) and significantly higher compared to rest of treatments. The treatment T<sub>12</sub> (weedy check) gave lowest number of nodules (31.23 /plant), minimum dry weight of nodules (29.37 mg/plant) and seed yield (378 kg/ha) over rest of treatments. It may therefore be concluded that weed management by ecosafe pre and post- emergence herbicides especially at critical crop weed competition period helps to increase the production as well as root nodulation of blackgram.
Pages: 103-106 | 1842 Views 595 Downloads
Monika Tilgam and Manisha Shyam. Effect of imezathyper and its combination with imezamox on nodulation and economic yield of blackgram. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(5S):103-106.