Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 5 (2019)
Can students be the catalyst in digital education in agriculture and allied fields for food and nutrition security?
Suman Prasad Maurya, Suman Yadav, Rekha and Jyoti Tiwari
Today in the age of Information and Technology, students of the College are usually found using social sites in their daily living. A study conducted with 200 college students (100 boys and girls each) from College of Agriculture and College of H012ome Science respectively by stratified random sampling by Drawing sample of 25 college students from each year (1-4<sup>th</sup> year). An questionnaire designed to elicit information on the profile of the college students and their social networking behaviour was studied. The data analysed on Microsoft excel found that the parents of the students were literate with majority of the parents being higher secondary educated, monthly income below 25000 (38.5%). The social sites used by college students were What’s app (43%), Facebook (36%), Twitter (16%). Students used the social sites for socialization i.e., maintaining relationship (18%), for career (26.5%), connect with friends (20.5%), Post political opinions (16.5%). The frequency of use of sites reported to be permanently connected (33.5%), Several times a day (29%), 1-3 times a day (15.5%), 4-5 times a week (9.5%), Rarely (12.5%). The findings of the study suggest that the interest of college students towards the utilization of digital media to be connected with the community and the world should be well utilized to promote and educate rural youth and women. The behaviour and inclination of the College students towards use of social media frequent and wider connectivity can be tapped to provide digital education to rural people and farming community to enhance food security through promoting benefiting activities in agriculture and allied field.
Pages: 216-218 | 1273 Views 252 Downloads
Suman Prasad Maurya, Suman Yadav, Rekha and Jyoti Tiwari. Can students be the catalyst in digital education in agriculture and allied fields for food and nutrition security?. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(5S):216-218.