Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 5 (2019)
To study the growth performance of crossbred goat (Black Bengal X Boer) in Bihar
VK Gond, SK Gangwar and Raj Kumar Sah
Black Bengal goat is the important breed of eastern region of India and famous for its meat and leather quality but poor in growth & survivality. Therefore, the present study was carried to develop a cross breed having better growth rate, milk yield and survivality. For this ten Black Bengal (<em>Capra hircus</em>) goats (average body weight 21 kg) of second kidding were inseminated with semen of Boer goat with maintaining the standard managemental practices at A.P.R.I., Pusa. Thus, It was found that crossbred progeny is superior in comparison to pure breed of Black Bengal in respect of birth weight, weight at 3 months and 6 months of age as well as daily weight gain. So this cross breed (Black Bengal X Boer) may be recommended for farming among the farmers.
Pages: 230-232 | 3725 Views 1563 Downloads
VK Gond, SK Gangwar and Raj Kumar Sah. To study the growth performance of crossbred goat (Black Bengal X Boer) in Bihar. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(5S):230-232.