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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 8, Special Issue 5 (2019)

Integrated farming system (IFS) is possible way out for double farmer’s income


SK Choudhary, Rajesh Kumar AH and SK Gupta

The Government of India in annual budget of 2016-17set a policy for achieving the target of doubling farmer's income by 2022 and also our prime minister have dream project to how farmers income double by 2022. Nearly 72.2% population of India is living in 6.38 lakh villages, mostly dependent upon agriculture and livestock for their livelihood. Crops productivity is largely restricted by uncertain and erratic rainfall, scarcity of water for irrigation and deterioration of soil-health. For this context in the last five decades or so, increasing agricultural production, productivity and ensuring food security was the main focus for agricultural development. 90% farmers are marginal hold 0.5 to 1.0 ha of land. Per capita total land availability was 0.32 ha in 2001 (world average of 2.19 ha), 0.23 ha in 2025, 0.19 ha in 2050. (DAC, Agriculture Census Division 2010-11). Integrated farming system (IFS) is only possible way out to increase the farmer’s income and also full fill the need of food for increasing population. In IFS systems all agricultural enterprises including animal husbandry, fishery, bee keeping, goat rearing, cropping systems, fruits, vegetable and others are setup into a single unit of land and hence better recycling of resource or input occurs. Ultimately increase the farmer’s income. On the basis of sources income this article discusses the pathway and strategies for doubling the income by integrated farming system (IFS) by 2022, a major food security crop accounting for about 35% of total food grains produced and being cultivated in 30.6million ha by around 25 million farmers.

Pages: 282-289  |  2523 Views  1162 Downloads

How to cite this article:
SK Choudhary, Rajesh Kumar AH and SK Gupta. Integrated farming system (IFS) is possible way out for double farmer’s income. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(5S):282-289.

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