Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 5 (2019)
Study the social and occupational change accrued as a result of agriculture modernization
Rafiya Ameen, DP Rai, Neha Gautam, Rahil Qureshi, S Srivastav and Nag K
Modern agriculture is meant as a process by which farmers change from traditional way of farming to a more complex technologically advance method agriculture. More recently, a new extension method known as T & V was implemented in the country in 1977 to better agricultural production and encourage farmers to adopt latest agricultural technology to have better yields of crops, K.V.K was especially introduced by I.C.A.R. increasing agriculture production and there by uplifting living standard of rural masses. It is obvious that the modern agriculture has helped in increasing the yield of crops and income of peasant communities but its effect on social and rural occupational structure, such as on education, family system, marriage system, and rural urban, migration, need further deep investigation. Because the changes must have shaken the traditional socio-economic structure of rural communities. Education has also greatly motivated the progress of man along with rural women in modern times during the past few decades. The recent year change in family system modernization has tended to break up the joint family system. Agriculture modernization the peasant communities witnessed a serious problem of rural-urban migration. Migration causing lack of job opportunities, lack of high educational facilities, and much factor courage the migration of urban area. Considering the above few facts, the present study was planned with a wide scope of assessing effect of agriculture modernization of peasant communities.<strong> </strong>To study about the social and occupational change occurred as a result of agriculture modernization.<strong> </strong>The study was conducted in Satna district. There are 7 blocks in Satna district, out of which Majhagawan block was selected for the study. The Majhagawan block comprise of 180 villages. A list of villages where farmers were doing modern farming was prepared with the help of Senior Agriculture Development Officer, out of which 4 villages were selected randomly. A list of farmers, who were doing modern farming, was prepared with the help of RAEO’s of block out of which 30 farmers from each village were selected on the basis of random sampling method. Thus total 120 farmers were considered as sample size of the study. The data were collected using survey method through a pre-tested interview schedule and responses were recorded. Collected data were then tabulated and analyzed using percentage, rank order and chi square test.
Pages: 330-333 | 1485 Views 353 Downloads
Rafiya Ameen, DP Rai, Neha Gautam, Rahil Qureshi, S Srivastav and Nag K. Study the social and occupational change accrued as a result of agriculture modernization. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(5S):330-333.