Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Special Issue 5 (2019)
Responses of nutrient combinations on yield and yield attributing characters of garlic (<em>Allium sativum</em> L.) and soil properties in Chitwan, Nepal
Sandeep Airee, Biroj Belbase, Aashish Rashik Ghimire, Sushil Kunwar, Suraj Acharya and Rajendra Regmi
A field experiment was conducted on Garlic (<em>Allium sativum </em>L.) to study the responses of different nutrients sources on growth parameters, yield, soil properties and economic return. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) in Agriculture and Forestry University farm during the year 2018-2019. There were 5 treatments viz. T<sub>1</sub> (140:140:70 kg NPK + 20t FYM ha<sup>-1</sup>), T<sub>2 </sub>(140:140:70 kg NPK + 5.5t Vermicompost ha<sup>-1</sup>), T<sub>3 </sub>(140:140:70 kg NPK + 20 lit Azotobacter + PSB + KMB ha<sup>-1</sup>), T<sub>4 </sub>(20t FYM + 20 lit Azotobacter + PSB + KMB ha<sup>-1</sup>) and T<sub>5</sub> (140:140:70 kg NPK + 20t FYM +20 lit Azotobacter + PSB+KMB + 5.5t Vermicompost ha<sup>-1</sup>) each with four replications. Among the treatments, plants supplied with T<sub>1 </sub>recorded maximum plant height (54.37cm) which was statistically similar to T<sub>5 </sub>(54.28cm) and T<sub>4</sub> (49.04cm). However, the maximum number of leaves was recorded with T<sub>5 </sub>(6.83) followed by T<sub>1 </sub>(5.97) and T<sub>4 </sub>(5.91). Likewise, the highest bulb yield was found in T<sub>5 </sub>(118.7q/ha) which was statistically similar to T<sub>3 </sub>(110q/ha) and the lowest yield was obtained with T<sub>4</sub> (87.4q/ha). However, the highest net return and Benefit-Cost Ratio was recorded on T<sub>2</sub>($14311.58 ha<sup>-1</sup>, 2.91) followed by T<sub>1 </sub>(13316.51 ha<sup>-1</sup>, 2.89) and T<sub>3 </sub>(13854.241 ha<sup>-</sup>1, 1.99), while the lowest net return and Benefit-Cost Ratio was recorded on T<sub>4</sub> ($8883.19, 1.16)<sub>.</sub>The maximum uptake of Nitrogen (149.305kg/ha), Phosphorus (40.73 kg/ha) and Potassium (152.3 kg/ha) was found to be on T<sub>5</sub> while the least uptake was recorded in T<sub>3</sub>(139.6 kg/ha), T<sub>4</sub>(29.19 kg/ha) and T<sub>4 </sub>(132.5kg/ha). Thus, vermicompost in combination with chemical fertilizers is good source of nutrient for the highest profitability among different combinations of nutrient.
Pages: 382-386 | 1642 Views 367 Downloads
Sandeep Airee, Biroj Belbase, Aashish Rashik Ghimire, Sushil Kunwar, Suraj Acharya and Rajendra Regmi. Responses of nutrient combinations on yield and yield attributing characters of garlic (<em>Allium sativum</em> L.) and soil properties in Chitwan, Nepal. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(5S):382-386.