Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 2 (2020)
Economics of the sorghum genotypes at different intervals of sowing
Somu G, Meena N, Shashikumar C, Shivaray navi, Druvakumar M, Kanavi MSP and Krishna Kishore R
The experiment was carried out at AICRP (Sorghum), KVK, Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka. During
kharif seasons of 2017-18 and 2018-19. The experiment consist of three different sowing intervals and four genotypes laid out in split plot design replicated thrice. Increased in grain yield, gross returns, net returns and Benefit : Cost ratio(B:C ratio) in both the year of study was recorded in first fortnight of may sowing among different intervals of sowing and with respect to genotypes CSH-30.
Pages: 33-34 | 1416 Views 343 Downloads
Somu G, Meena N, Shashikumar C, Shivaray navi, Druvakumar M, Kanavi MSP and Krishna Kishore R. Economics of the sorghum genotypes at different intervals of sowing. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2S):33-34.